View from the Wharf of Commercial Ave. and Hotel c. 1930 |
From the files of Sterling Hart |

GROVELAND HOTEL (prior to expansion) |

The Groveland Hotel prior to restoration |

On May 7, 2002 the Groveland Hotel was devestated by fire.
Palatka Daily News Report on Fire
From: Florida East Coast, Nassau Bahamas, Key West Florida and Havana Cuba List of Hotels and General
Information Illustrated 1909-1910 Florida East Coast Railway p. 25
"Federal Point (On the St. Johns River) Railway Station, Hastings
The Groveland House--On the St. Johns river, three miles from Hastings, is situated amid
orange and grapefruit groves and vegetable farms. The table is supplied with fresh milk and cream, poultry, eggs, vegetables
and fruit from our own farms. The house has modern conveniences. Bathing, fishing, duck shooting, and driving may be indulged
in. A quiet, home-like boarding house, accommodating twenty persons. Write us, or wire care Telephone Exchange, Palatka, and
our carriage will meet you at Hastings free of charge. Rates, $7.00 to $9.00 per week. F. F. Tenney, proprietor."
Gil Wilson
St. Augustine
My grandmother, Gertrude Mary Wall; my mother, Gertrude Charlotte Wall; and my uncle, John Jolliffe Wall lived in the
Groveland Hotel 1909-10. I wonder if the above advertisement influenced them in any way. It was while they were here
that my mother met my dad, John Tenney Brown; son of Charles W. and "Lizzie" Taylor Brown. John

The Groveland Hotel in the 1920's by Billy Waller |